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Is Coding Dead?

28th February 2024

Well, that's that then.
If Matt Wolfe's made an AI video about it, then .. We're all buggered!


Mark's LibSGD

28th February 2024

Test runs just fine on MacOS/Win11Arm running in UTM where ''nothing runs because there's no graphics driver''
.. Bit slow, but that's to be expected.
At least it runs.


Mark's LibSGD

28th February 2024

He's built a new forum, too. (Linkage)


Mark's LibSGD

28th February 2024

Mark Announces LibSGD : Linkage


QOTD - February 2024

28th February 2024

Lego City Undercover. People generally rave about this game, but my first experience with it was that of ''The game that came with my WiiU, so the first game I tried out on it'', and the load times were absolutely bloody horrendous.
They put me R*snip*


QOTD - February 2024

27th February 2024

I never used to think of them as ''Easter Eggs''
If I discovered something cool and interesting, then it was a cool and interesting bit of the game.
It wasn't until the mid-90s or thereabouts that the term ''Easter Egg'' started poppi*snip*


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

27th February 2024

Gosh, so many levels!


Google Genie : Prompt to Game

26th February 2024

Why are people satisfied with crappy half-finished generic games, when what we should be doing, is trying to get the ai to build us ACTUAL Holodecks??!


QOTD - February 2024

26th February 2024

You're worth it.


Happy Birthday, Pakz

26th February 2024

Happy Cake Day


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

25th February 2024

Congrats all 'round!!!


QOTD - February 2024

25th February 2024

Mine would be ever so grumpy, and constantly asking for a breather.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

24th February 2024

Kewly! A local hero. Say hi to all the Pittsburg residents.


Apple Ring

24th February 2024

No doubt made of 24 karat gold, has a battery life of 10 minutes between charges, and will cost about *!APOUND!*8k


Happy Birthday, Jayenkai

23rd February 2024

And the day was rounded off with a big 3 hour nap!
... oh, god, I'm old!!!


Happy Birthday, Jayenkai

23rd February 2024

Breakfast of Champions



23rd February 2024

If it's ''DVD Like'', then I'd be wary of putting that much data on it. Because damn near every burned DVD that I've backed up data onto is completely bloody unreadable now. Those did NOT last..


Happy Birthday, Jayenkai

23rd February 2024

''Cartoon @Derek Celebrates Jayenkai's Birthday With Doughnuts, Balloons And A Party Hat'' by #ArtFlow.ai
\\o/yeay\\o/ Birthday month!
Parents getting randy in the summer!!


QOTD - February 2024

23rd February 2024



Happy Birthday, Jayenkai

23rd February 2024

\\O/yeay\\o/ cake


Quantum Leap - 2022

22nd February 2024

Oh gosh!!
In memory of Matt Dale, and since next Thursday is Leap Day (Feb 29th), the Quantum Leap Podcast folk have got together with a bunch of the cast from the new Quantum Leap series, to do a table read of Trey Callaway's Sammy Jo pilot script.


Steve's Car

22nd February 2024

I swear, the number of ''Steve's Car'' threads we have.
I can't imagine how much money you must've spent on it over the years.


QOTD - February 2024

22nd February 2024

That I'm still here.



21st February 2024

Ugh, that's gotta be hard. I hope everything's ok.


Quantum Leap - 2022

21st February 2024

A cracking finale.. Oh Boy, what an adventure!
Yeah, that wrapped up WAY better than last year's did. The lack of mystery box helped a ton, creating a much more cohesive storyline.
It did feel a little rushed towards the end, with major plot points*snip*

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