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Socoder -> C/C++/C#/Other -> Learning class?

Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 02:13
Would it be useful to start a subforum for C++ classes with instruct(ors) like they did on Gamedev.net?
I know I could teach away some things, though I am decidedly not the best C++ programmer here.
I'm thinking it might bring more people about... I don't know.
Good idea or bad idea?

I think Phoenix or Noel would be good teachers btw. But Noel probably wouldn't wanna.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 02:24
I'd like to learn C++, doesn't matter which way
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 03:02
I think that the Articles/Tutorials section covers any lessons that people would want to give. And really, I think we can all just help each other get better within this forum. As you say, some of us are OKish C++ programmers, but not brilliant, whereas others are much better. So it's probably better for us to help each other, rather than having a sub-forum just for teaching.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 05:08
Yeah, as Shoom suggests, there's a C Section if you want to discuss the ins and outs, or the Articles if you want to post a how-to.
There's really no need to have a single mega-forum for every little tiny bit of each and every language.
or is there?!


Hey, I should make a GOTO forum!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 08:40
I'm in favour of the goto forum!

I think I'm going to agree with the others: if you want to learn C++, read up on it and ask questions over here. This place is way to small to justify a separate forum section like the one you propose. If there's anything specific you'd like to know about, poke me and I might write something about it. It's not like articles sprout from SoCoder in abundance, so this is an area we should spend more time on either way.
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 09:13
I know a bit of C#, and I would be greatful for C++ to be taught in a less geeky way (AKA: in a way that even old dog like me would understand)
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 10:10
Well... uhm.. we wouldn't neccessarily have to start a new forum section for it.
What they did on Gamedev.net was they chose a book, everyone did a chapter of the book every day, and if there were any things they didn't get the teachers would explain them.

So far, myself, Spare and steve are interested in this.
Would anyone else be interested?

The book that springs to my mind first would be Professional C++. I have it myself, but it's a damn thick book so I could use some motivation to get through it. It covers pretty much everything from an introductory course to C++ to explaining most of the STDLib.
The disadvantage of this book is that it's not really broken up into weekly chapters or anything like that, the chapters are just divided by topic.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 14:41
I don't see how this would be any different from just asking a question in the forum. Afr0, Steve, Spare, and anyone else who is interested can pick a book together, work through it and then ask questions to the rest of us.
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 15:00
BOTM club sounds vaguely interesting, but also quite limited in how many folk are reading the same book, and also working through at the same pace.

I know at college I was usually about 3 or 4 chapters/books(!) ahead of most of the class, due to my "look at an example, get the idea" method of coding, whereas half the class were still struggling to understand what a for-loop was..

...it usually works better for novels. ... .. now, that could be a good idea!

|edit| However, don't let that put you off. Open a topic, give it a try. It could work, you won't know unless you try. |edit|

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 02 Sep 2009, 15:08
BOTM club sounds vaguely interesting, but also quite limited in how many folk are reading the same book, and also working through at the same pace.

It wouldn't be a BOTM club! Everyone would agree on a book in unison and work through one chapter each week, and work through any hickups in the examples together on the forum.
But then we'd have to agree on a book in unison first!!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 03 Sep 2009, 01:15
And, by extension, you'd all have to buy the book as well.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 03 Sep 2009, 02:31
I'm going to create a thread today probably, I just haven't had time yet.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 03 Sep 2009, 07:13
If a few people are interested in this then start it now! Don't bother asking for forum sections and such, because then we just end discussing the idea and not getting anything done.

If it becomes popular and successful (which I hope it does) then a forum section can be added for it.
Fri, 04 Sep 2009, 07:26
I think Phoenix or Noel would be good teachers btw. But Noel probably wouldn't wanna.
I do not know enough about C++ to offer instruction. To teach others would lead them to have a poorer understanding of the language than if they were to learn it themselves. Socoder already has forums for questions, that's good enough if someone ends up needing to ask about a particular aspect of C++.
Fri, 04 Sep 2009, 09:01
I don't have enough knowledge to teach C++ either. I can however, and I'm sure you can too Cower, assist with what I know when questions arise from reading the book, which (hopefully) is written by someone who can teach it.

The only difference between this and just picking up a book and asking questions, as far as I can see, is that there are several people picking up a book and asking questions, which will appear as usual in the C++ forum. It's a motivational thing. The whole teacher idea isn't really suitable because, since Cower says, why limit the amount of people who can answer?