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Socoder -> On Topic -> Frontpage

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 08:59
Thinking up polls is becoming a chore.

I mean, seriously.. 815, the database says..
I ran out of ideas after 20!

The frontpage is currently looking a little barren, so.. what else can go there?
Now taking suggestions..

There are two gaps that could potentially be filled.

If you have poll ideas, you can PM those I suppose, but if anyone comes up with a better idea than the daily poll, then that'll probably take precedence.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 09:25
Newsfeed like Facebook showing all recent member activity.

I know you're thinking screw that, but seriously, it'll be useful.

Quit posting and try Google.
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 09:29
The time I integrated Twitter to the shoutbox, we were virus attacked..
Note sure what virus attacked the site, since a few things all seemed to coincide with each other, around the exact same time.

I very quickly removed the twitter integration, though..
Just to be on the safe side!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 12:00
I have sent a few poll ideas to fill up the space until the improvements are made..
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 12:27
An 'Awesome' Button that links to my profile.

I think the button should span 1920x1080 pixels.
Do you think that's too small?
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 13:28
In seriousness, I think a newsfeed that aggregated all of the recent activity on SoCoder would be good. We might even be able to re-add twitter updates through this.


The three recent update lists (Latest Posts, Latest Items, Latest Comments) drive the activity on this site. When I visit SoCoder, I scan all three of these lists for changes. Aggregating them together would save me time and would make the home page update content a lot more often. You could also stick other things on this list, like (as I said earlier) Twitter updates, recent uploads, or whatever you can think of.

Another unrelated to homepage idea:

This may take to much processing power to calculate, but it would be cool if topics I've posted in that have new posts were highlighted in orange (or something else vibrant).

Quit posting and try Google.
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 15:06
So.. What.. Like a great big single-bar sidebar, that you can quickly load up into... say.. a phone, and then flick down, in one great big column?

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 15:22
Yep. I'm interested in what everyone thinks about that so we don't add something that only I'd use.

Quit posting and try Google.
Mon, 12 Jul 2010, 15:52
You could make the showcases column smaller and move the shoutbox into the same column as the video/where the polls were. That way it looks fuller and doesn't require introducing anything new.
Tue, 13 Jul 2010, 01:06
I like Stealth's idea of having an activity feed in the middle. My only concern would be that it would make the current sidebars redundant, so what would you put in their place?

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Tue, 13 Jul 2010, 05:27
Not to make Stealth's idea seem bad, but what about a 'what are you doing?' type newsfeed like facebook has, with the ability to add comments? Personally I don't follow the shoutbox too much, there's usually various discussions I'm not involved with. I don't know if we've had a 'what are you up to' thread, but with that it might seem like everyone should post what they're doing only once, and not show later activities.

Just some of my thoughts.

Vesuvius web game
Wed, 14 Jul 2010, 04:08
I'm baffled by the fact that people think the shoutbox isn't already a "What are you doing" thing.

You do know you can type that in there, right!?

I mean, it's a box, and you type random things in there..

so.. type what you're doing!?


Done Stealth's iPhing Ready "Sidebars in a Long Bar"

But, in all honesty, I prefer the regular site, to the "Long Bar" thing.. Set your theme to Grey'n'Green, and when zoomed out, you can see everything that's new.. Seems a much better way to do it.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 14 Jul 2010, 06:34
Hello guys, been a while for me.

IT seams the site is a bit all over the place, or is it just Firefox?

EDIT: found the themes button looks better now
Wed, 14 Jul 2010, 22:41
That's not really what I had in mind Jay.
Thu, 15 Jul 2010, 08:11
Sounded to me like Stealth wanted them all mushed together; not separate. Latest links would be mixed in with latest posts.
Thu, 15 Jul 2010, 08:19
Yeah, well that's just gonna have to wait until next wednesday, when hopefully I get a few more minutes to rejig it again..

Meanwhile, why not try the rss feeds, and see if you can bash something together.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 15 Jul 2010, 09:34
I recently wrote an RSS generator for a blog script my mate did, i can send you the code? its really easy
Thu, 15 Jul 2010, 10:43
We've got RSS feeds, they're in the FAQ.
(marginally hidden so blog-rippers don't start nicking the content!)

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 15 Jul 2010, 10:46
I'll mash something together with the RSS feeds tonight.

Quit posting and try Google.
Sat, 17 Jul 2010, 00:29
Heres a random concept I hashed up (it's just showing lastest posts):


One thing I like about it is the Facebook-like dates, showing how long ago, instead of when.

Quit posting and try Google.
Sat, 17 Jul 2010, 03:54
The only thing I don't like about that is that it shows a new entry for each individual post... how about combining similar things, so instead of:

Andy posted in topic Foo (1 hour ago)
Bob posted in topic Foo (3 hours ago)
Chris posted in topic Bar (4 hours ago)
Dave posted in topc Foo (10 hours ago)

...you have something like:

Andy, Bob and Dave posted in topic Foo (1 hour ago)
Chris posted in topic Bar (4 hours ago)

Of course, this has its own problem in that combining names for a single topic would only work for unread topics per user, but it's an idea.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 21 Jul 2010, 07:42
good idea shroom, could says

'activity in topic Foo (1 hour ago)'

if there are more than say 3 users updating.

also its not facebook but the recent activity thing could be useful.

Another small idea, timestamp in the shoutbox? HH:MM DD/MM format, i would assume we all know what year it is

Wed, 21 Jul 2010, 09:35
Concatonating multiple replies is definitely an excellent idea.

Maybe overkill, but it might be nice if the three bars are seperate with three buttons for them at the top. When two or all three of the buttons are pressed, those bars concat together. This would allow users to keep them all seperate, or as two bars (which is how I'd have it) or as one single bar.

Waroffice Another small idea, timestamp in the shoutbox? HH:MM DD/MM format, i would assume we all know what year it is

I wouldn't want to see a river of times down one side. The space is also as small as it is, it would give a huge impact on the text that is there already. Finally what would be the justification? Does it really matter if the latest comments are 2 minutes or 2 hours old?
Wed, 21 Jul 2010, 10:52
i see what you mean, here is an example but i spose it doesnt really need time stamps.

# waroffice: skiving from work? ### this is what im doing now
# Jayenkai: Indeed.. .. Are you doing exactly the same thing as me!?!? #### confusion ensuse
# waroffice: Eureka!!!! #### 3 - 4 hours later i had an idea for a new game
# waroffice: i concur #### i agreed with this a few mins later
# Jayenkai: @(65533)$ %&$(! %&($ FRUSTRATION &!@(65533)$((65533)&( %& #### your first post
Wed, 21 Jul 2010, 10:59
Maybe if the mudchat (edit - I mean shoutbox) entries become darker based on age.

blog | work | code | more code
Wed, 21 Jul 2010, 11:31
I believe the real issue is that you can't tell where one conversation ends and an entirely different one begins. I don't believe timestamps will solve this because conversations can continue over minutes, hours or even days.
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