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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done - Sept 2016

Wed, 28 Sep 2016, 03:35


What did you get done this Month?
  • I seem to have shutdown, somewhat!

    Did everything turn out as planned?

    I made a decent enough start on Gamma Collexion, but then I started to shut down!!
    I ended this year's AGameAWeek in a bid to refocus, properly, on Gamma Collexion, but the phrase "OK, I'm stopping for a bit" seems to have taken control, and I've become a bit of a lazy tit for the past week or so.
    Hmmm.. :/


    What didn't you get done?
  • Puzzobomb

    Why not?
    I really need to get Puzzobomb sorted.


    What are you working on right now?
    I'm wondering what Gamma Collexion game to make next.
    So many choices!!

    How's that going?
    I'm not sure my list of multiplayer-able games is long enough!!


    What's the plan for next Month?
    It'll be nothing but Gamma Collexion until the end of November.


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  • Thu, 29 Sep 2016, 01:00


    What did you get done this Month?
  • Woo, first Wednesday Workshop OMG!
  • Learnt more about how to use the 4-bit DAC (Channel 3) on the gameboy
  • Made it do some sampled speech, woot!

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Pretty much, although as always, there's so much more to learn!


    What didn't you get done?
  • Other gameboy games that need finishing up
  • Finish off some composition tools for the lil system for me.
  • UnDone

    Why not?
    I spent a good number of evenings chilling out watching some animes 'n' youtubes instead, which is slowly (or quicky) turning me into more of a weeaboo degenerate. But I'm fine with that


    What are you working on right now?
    Web accessibility stuff on https://www.refreshcartridges.co.uk/ and a bunch of prep work for halloween promos 'n' what not. It's coming together pretty well though, here's a lil pic of some penguin monsters

    How's that going?
    Pretty well thanks


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • 2 Gamejams
  • Turn 35...OMFG!
  • Have a lovely time
  • Put together something very much "Hello Worldy" in 6502 ASM for the NES

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
  • Thu, 29 Sep 2016, 09:18
    This https://socoder.net/?blogs=55773

    iPhone, sorry.

    Check out my excellent homepage!
    Thu, 29 Sep 2016, 11:36

    Almost submitted a wednesday workshop thingy

    Managed 3 days at work in a row after 6.5 weeks of for knee surgery - this kinda allowed me time to code


    didn't manage to work in splattering eggs from my Duck Invaders

    Why Not:

    Was busy replacing rotting wood on my decking and other housey type stuff before returning to the grindstone.

    Next Months Plan:

    Get another submission to a Wed Worklog around a working week....

    Happy coding!
    Thu, 29 Sep 2016, 12:11


    What did you get done this Month?
  • Aside from stuff after my vacation started, about all I've done prior to that is optimize/reimplement things at work. I just kind of add myself to work projects when it seems like they're not entirely going according to plan. This is a side-effect of me being in a weird limbo state at work of fixing other people's stuff for the last five months instead of working on new projects, and it's beyond exhausting and fairly tiresome.
  • Finally took a week vacation.
  • Finished reading Planetes volumes 1 and 2. They're fantastic.
  • Slept for more than 5 hours per night the entire week.
  • Played more Darkest Dungeon.
  • Started work on the second implementation of my Rusalka VM. A lot of this is just me revisiting the old instruction set, bytecode format, etc. and thinking about how it could've been done better. Having operands as constants and literal flags and so on as part of instructions wasn't a great idea. Trying something closer to Lua's instruction set now with constant lookups and such. Only odd case is that I wanted to keep the stack as a scratch space to work with, so it's still possible to address registers or stack for some instructions. It's no longer possible to address everything with every instruction. Also removed all memory instructions until I can think about them a little more, so PEEK/POKE/REALLOC/MEMMOVE are all gone. Haven't done any of this before vacation because I really needed more time than a weekend to think through some of the problems I had with the first Rusalka implementation.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    The VM's working out for the most part. It's not finished, code loading isn't there, bytecode isn't defined, and the general structure of things will probably change, but you can execude arbitrary instructions against the VM's thread state and it'll modify thread state.

    The VM is intended to be structured as a process and one or more threads, all embedded in the host process. A thread is just stack, registers, and instruction execution with some possible synchronization made available through the VM process. The VM process's types aren't even defined yet, so it's hand-wavey. Basically, picture the sorts of things you can do with Lua, but with the ability to have parallel execution of VM code. Concurrent execution was already possible in the first implementation, so that's less interesting, but it required cooperative scheduling to ensure that only one VM thread ran at a time. So, parallelism wasn't possible without making sure you never used POKE, REALLOC, MEMMOVE, etc. since the VM had to control all memory access and it didn't have any form of locking around that.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Learning Rust.
  • Still haven't picked up a case of beer from a coworker. Keep meaning to, but things always come up.

    Why not?
    Rust is a complicated language and every time I look into using it, it throws up on me. It's like if you took C++, made it hard to do the things C++ is useful for, then added a bunch of fancy things in other areas that make a small set of problems easier but the big over-arching problem of writing complex programs way harder.

    As for the beer, just didn't have time. On vacation now, so I'm just going to put it out of my mind for now. If she manages to hand it off to someone else or tosses it, it's no huge loss to me.


    What are you working on right now?
    Thinking about how to implement and actually implementing Rusalka. Also playing more Darkest Dungeon.

    How's that going?
    Rusalka's hard because writing VMs with the idea that you want parallel execution is hard. Also, there's no higher-level language for it, so I have to write everything at assembly-ish level. Not quite machine code because I have helper stuff to construct the instructions, but not quite assembly since I'm not taking a text representation of machine code and turning it into a valid block of code. Just kind of in the middle.

    I'm bad at Darkest Dungeon, but at least my two starting characters are still alive. Fully expecting to eventually get one killed and find his head in a bag later.


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • Go back to work and probably be too tired to work on Rusalka or play Darkest Dungeon or whatever for another year.
  • Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 00:59
    Eh, I really didn't start drinking until I was about 24. Turns out I'm just a boring adult.

    And speaking of age, I feel old whenever someone talks about Doom or current programming practices. I didn't even start programming until around 2003 -- seems that my high level coding is now low level for a lot of people, weirdly.
    Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 01:21
    So many changes!!

    ... my life is extremely dull, by comparison.
    1999, first PC
    2000, started hunting for a language that let me do cool stuff, but that would also work with my many bad coding habits.
    2002, found Blitz.
    2016, Haven't budged a smegging inch.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 01:41
    We had a ZXSpectrum around 84/85, an Amstrad CPC by early '86, (maybe late '85? Unsure) and an Amiga around about '93 or thereabouts.
    So I had plenty of computers to code on over the years, just never a PC.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 06:14
    I remember my first PC it was a mono 386 laptop with windows 3.1 on it, I was 13 and loved the graphical parts of qbasic, learnt alot of visual basic on it also.

    My uncle who gave it to me always tried to convince me to learn delphi instead but nahhh, didn't like that language!

    80MB of storage, woooo!

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 12:00
    I'd a speccy 82/83, programmed a battleships game with AI - roughly 32 screens of ZXBasic on a ferguson 14" telly. Wow, those were the days. Still got my coding mojo on occasion despite being on the other side of my half decade to 50 - cheers Clive Sinclair

    Happy coding!