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Socoder -> Off Topic -> The Jayenkai Show

Tue, 10 Apr 2018, 18:13
Had to go back to the hometown today, and went shopping in Doncaster. Place was full of scummy little chavs in back-to-front hats, swearing at full volume like they want the whole world to hear what a bellend they are. I swear to God if I had to live there again I'd end up hospitalising somebody within a month. Have virtually zero tolerance for the disrespectful little scrotes running wild and free on God's earth.
Tue, 10 Apr 2018, 18:13
Sounds a bit like Portsmouth, plenty of scrotes there too.
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 01:38
Alert : Alert : Alert
Grumpy Old Men, Complaining About Kids, Topic

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Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 03:42
. Flippin' chavs!
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 03:50
Kids just need more creativity in their lives. That's what kept me entertained during my childhood. Without it, I'm fairly sure I'd've been as much of a dick as some of the idiots at school. But I had things to do.

Sure, I was, and still am, as anti-social as an old thing that can't come up with an interesting simile, but at least I could entertain myself without resorting to wandering the streets and shouting at people.
Kids just need something to focus on, and they can focus better if they're doing something, not just watching TV or aimlessly playing videogames.
Creativity's such a powerful thing.

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Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 03:53
Where I live, Woodingdean in Brighton, we have loads 'a' chavs. These chavs seem a bit different to other chavs though, there's a lot of motorbike theft goes on around here and chavs ride those fart-bikes up and down a lot of the time while making a load of noise in the process.

The weird thing about this area though, I have on many occasions left my car unlocked and nobody has even attempted to try the door handles. I even went out one day and left the shed and side gate wide open without realising, all of my stuff was still there. The times we seem to have burglary problems is mainly when the pikeys plot up in a nearby field along the road from where I live, that's the time to screw all of the windows and doors shut. There's this saying, "what type of key opens any door or window?: A pikey!"
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 03:57
Hey.. Let's not get racist here.
Being grumpy is bad enough.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 04:19
OK.... you know what? I know this is your site and you can run it however you wanna run it. But you've already banned us from discussing topical issues. Now we aren't allowed to talk about chavs and pikeys? OK let's just pretend the world is perfect. Maybe it is, from the safety of your living room armed with a freshly-sharpened scrabble rack and a TV remote. But for others, the world is turning to shit and it isn't - or shouldn't be - taboo to talk about it. Seems like the only person allowed to be "grumpy", is you. (which you've called me MANY fucking times and I've let it go)

And with that, I'm out of here. Have fun talking to yourself when there's nobody else left.
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 04:20
|!!ARGH| They're from the same country as us lot, saying pikey is not racist and they do swag anything that ain't welded down. Please don't confuse them with Gypsies coz they ain't, I myself am at least one thrid Gypsy and I my family ain't anywhere close to their kind. |ARGH!!|

I had bad experiences back quite a few years. One one occasion a bunch of them tried to carjack me and my mate in one of our local parks, and another time my car got attacked by a bunch of them in one of those parks, two of my car windows got smashed that time. And no I didn't even remotely prevoke it.

Rant over!

|update| -=-=- |update|
I promise not to say anything more on this matter.
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 04:23
GfK And with that, I'm out of here. Have fun talking to yourself when there's nobody else left.

Come on you old bugger, don't leave mate. It's just a misunderstanding that's all.
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 04:27
@Jay: Did you just change the title of this topic or am I going crank?, I could have sworn it said "Can we have out ball back" earlier on.
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 04:29
No, Gfk did because he's the topic owner.
Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 04:32
Oh!... I didn't realise we could do that.