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How're You Doing?

5th June 2013

You didn't really think I'd let you get by without some pictures, did you?



5th June 2013

I used to do that (64-char base64 strings), but I've found it significantly easier to just type out sentences. ''The long dragon-horse was startled by the boisterous flock of green Jayenkais.'' is easier to remember and still about as hard to crack*snip*


How're You Doing?

4th June 2013

I've been really happy over the past month. I'm not really supposed to be happy because high school is supposed to make you depressed. I guess I'm doing it wrong. I've got no clue where the happiness stems from; I'm just really darned happy.
I found out y*snip*


Undo Didn't Do

4th June 2013

[quote=Dabz]Granted my fault for not backing up, but why have an Undo button that doesnt undo the last action completely... Stupid bloody Finder![/quote]
And for this reason, I love Time Machine... It's easy enough to use, because once it's set up you don*snip*


Undo Didn't Do

3rd June 2013

I've gotten in the habit of using git even for binary files. It's probably not the best tool for the job, but it has saved my ass a few times. I already save my work REALLY often (as in, I press Ctrl+S every time I draw a line or click a button), but I use*snip*


The Vortex

28th May 2013

Unless the Internet can span dimensions, does that mean that all of SoCoder has passed through the vortex?!
Surely not, because otherwise we would not see the news report on the Internet about the vortex. I suppose we're fine then.


Fucking Pound Sign Unicode Bullshit Bollocks

20th May 2013

Looks like using a pound sign is essentially playing the lottery at this point.
I want to have a go! *!APOUND!*60


Wrong Partition!!!!?

16th May 2013

I'm not particularly experienced with the Windows bootloader... all I know is that it's really awkward to use. If you can't figure out how to add other partitions to the bootloader, you can always resort to installing GRUB or something (though you'll need *snip*


New Telly!!

28th April 2013

Perhaps every other vertical line has a different polarity such that polarized glasses would work on an interlaced screen.


Melman vs Android

20th April 2013

I suppose it's a good thing that I'm too lazy to update to JDK 1.7. I've been on 1.6 since I started Java development (on eclipse, at least... I think NetBeans has its own environment going on). I'm pretty sure that's been hindering my ability to contribut*snip*


Computing With Greenie

13th April 2013

Yeah, I was certainly surprised when I looked at SpikeDislike's PMC code and saw that it ran on a sine wave. It makes sense, I guess, for aesthetics, but it's still kind of awkward.


MOGA Controller

27th March 2013

The MOGA is an Android controller similar to the iControlPad (though there might be a better analogy-- I'm a bit out-of-touch with mobile bluetooth controllers). The normal controller is a bit small and wonky, and certainly a bit overpriced at $50 USD. I'm*snip*


Learning With Monkey

27th March 2013

When I tell people about the free version of SpikeDislike2, I just bluetooth the apk to them and everything is peachy. Why can't everything be this easy?



14th March 2013

I forgot about this thread. A couple of days ago, the blockchain forked and there was huge panic. It kind of resolved okay, but in the future there could be problems with the network if it spreads out more and such a thing were to happen again. The event a*snip*


Happy Birthday Joe

13th March 2013

Happy birthday.


Learning With Monkey

11th March 2013

[quote=Jayenkai]You can see it in SpikeDislike2, as it's missing it's progressively higher combo pitching.[/quote]
I did notice that when I tried out the Android version, but it hadn't occurred to me that that wasn't an intentional change... damn HTML5, r*snip*


Drunk Mode

10th March 2013

As long as you know where the first spike is, and know the spike field pretty well, it's pretty easy to play with your eyes closed. The game makes a sound every time you are directly over a spike.


Drunk Mode

9th March 2013

I like playing it with my eyes closed. Therapeutic... until you crash into a spike and that horrible sound plays.


SpikeDislike2 High Scores

7th March 2013

I'm at 16,811 in classic mode. Just hit 1000 coins, too.


SpikeDislike2 High Scores

7th March 2013

SpikeDislike2 high score thread?


Hey, Phoenix here

4th March 2013

[quote=spinal]hehe, I think I can count on one hand how many posts Afr0 doesn't mention MMO.[/quote]
You might need to do it in binary, but it's certainly feasible.



3rd March 2013

I was thinking along JL's lines. I haven't ever used emacs (I use vim instead), but I've heard that it's very customisable. Why not just configure emacs (or vim, for that matter) to do exactly what you want?


asyncronous chat in java.....concurrency....

3rd March 2013

You'd have the same problem, though: since you're getting the online players on every iteration, the iteration could fail if a player logs off halfway through.
If the server has, for example, 100 people online, and the loop has made it through the first 5*snip*


asyncronous chat in java.....concurrency....

3rd March 2013

I'm not too experienced, but wouldn't calling getOnlinePlayers() make it LESS thread-safe? The for loop will call that method every time it iterates, making it take longer; and if a player were to log out in the middle of the for loop's execution, the iter*snip*


No, not that one!

27th February 2013

I suggested that poll because of how EASY it was supposed to be. Anyone who picked burritos should be beheaded.

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