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Socoder -> On Topic -> Skills and Interests

Fri, 25 Jun 2010, 12:04
We are a diverse group on SoCoder. Our programming knowledge spans far and wide. It helps to know who is good at what so that we know who to turn to when we have problems. The goal is to get to know what we all do. Here are the questions posed:

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

What code languages are you proficient at?

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I'll start.

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

I'm extremely in to web development. This is really where I'm focused. I don't have too many skills in application development or games right now, although I may delve in to those in the future (interest exists).

What code languages are you proficient at?

XHTML, CSS, Javascript

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

Proficient in Adobe Fireworks
Linux Server Building, Configuring, and Administration
Browser Quirks Knowledge
HTML5 technologies (database support, offline cacheing, etc)
User Interface and Usability

Template to Use (Created by JL235)
> Reveal 🔎

Quit posting and try Google.
Fri, 25 Jun 2010, 12:29
What platforms do you enjoy coding?
Stealth I'm extremely in to web development. This is really where I'm focused. I don't have too many skills in application development or games right now, although I may delve in to those in the future (interest exists).

What code languages are you proficient at?
XHTML, CSS, Javascript

I wouldn't say 'proficient' at mySQL, but I know enough to get by.

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?
I can sorta program in Blitz.
I know my way around Photoshop and can use it to make lots of stuff.
I'm two grades ahead in math and acing it, which can be helpful. I also just finished a quarter of my school year in which I learned a bit about physics/motion and stuff.
Fri, 25 Jun 2010, 14:14

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

My main interest is in coding desktop apps, games and programming languages. I am also doing more web coding then ever and that is set to increase, but it's not my main passion.

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I have experience with scripting with Excel, automated GUI testing using Quick Test Professional, OpenGL, extensive knowledge of the Java platform including experience using Java2D, customizing Fidessa Enterprise (including both FTW and server side), setting/customizing/administering Wordpress, some proffeciency using Gimp and finally extensive experience using professional IDEs/bug tracking/version control systems including Visual Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans, Clear Case & Clear Quest, Subversion, Bugzilla and Trac.

What code languages are you proficient at?

Java, Ruby, VBA, VBScript, SQL (with MySQL and Sybase SQL), Blitz Basic.

What code languages are you proficient at, to a lesser degree?

JFlex, CUP, JS/CC, HTML, CSS, PHP, C, C#, TCL, Haskell, Erlang, Occam-Pi, JavaScript, XML, .BAT scripts, Bourne shell scripts.

I've added a lesser languages section and have moved technologies above languages, as they are more important. You can also get a template here.
> Reveal 🔎
Fri, 25 Jun 2010, 15:00

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

Everything has a plus point.

Windows = Fast development
Nintendo DS = Touchscreen capabilities (AND BUTTONS!!)
iPod = The bafflement of having NO BUTTONS
Crap Phone = Really slow Java engine = Try to come up with ways to make things work, without it exploding in your hand.

I've never really come across something* that I don't find a particular challenge, and where there's a challenge, there's enjoyment of coding.

*Except Windows, obviously!

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I'm rubbish at anything electrical.
Sure, I can unplug the memory, and swap the HD's and stuff like that, but PC's are plug and play.
I mean the more technical electrical stuff.
I've always been rubbish at that.

What code languages are you proficient at?

I wouldn't say I'm actually "Proficient" at anything.
I'm always looking at people's tech and wondering how things are whizzing along at the rate they are.

Sure, I might LOOK like I'm good, but that's after years of practice, trying to make it look like I'm not NOT good at things!!

I can't do Network stuff, I'm crap at "Proper" String stuff, and I run, screaming, from anything that looks even remotely OOP-based.

In many many many ways I'm still a noob.
And, given that I'm already 30, I'll probably always be a noob.

But otherwise, with a decent command list by my side, I can usually bluff my way through most things.
Or at least, get them to look like they're done properly!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 25 Jun 2010, 17:26

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

Primarily interested in writing code for Mac OS. Working with Cocoa and the other Obj-C frameworks is very pleasant. I'm also interested in development for the Android operating system, albeit to a lesser degree. In both cases I try to take what I know about game development and realtime performance concerns and try to make use of that in regular desktop software (to date, I have only written a few apps since I am incredibly lazy and mainly produce middleware).

In particular, I'm interested in user interfaces, since I think if one is going to devote the majority of his attention to some aspect of software, it should be the part you're going to interact with every time you use the software. Other concerns are secondary, since nobody wants to use a powerful but horribly-designed piece of garbage (see: the Eclipse IDE).

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I make game art, and as such am familiar with several generations of Photoshop (starting at 5.5 and continuing on through 7, CS2, CS3, and CS4), Mudbox, 3D Studio Max, Silo, Wings 3D, etc.

What code languages are you proficient at?

Objective-C, C, ooc, Lua, BlitzMax, XHTML (if you consider it a code language).

What code languages are you proficient at, to a lesser degree?

C++, Ruby, Javascript (by virtue of it being fairly similar to Lua), C#, PHP (I wish I didn't know it). I'm not sure if Java counts - I can code in it, but I don't know if I consider myself proficient.

Why do you do any of this?

Because it's challenging and fun and is one of the few hobbies I have where I can see visible changes to something when I change some code, and all of it is interactive (usually). You get constant feedback from your own work, and every time you get that feedback, it's a sort of self-induced high that never fails to deliver. |edit| I need to amend this. The high only works when you're not coding in Java, PHP, Javascript, Perl, or some other language that was designed with 'pain' as a feature and where "a visage of hell's landscape" was one of the first projects. |edit|
Sat, 26 Jun 2010, 03:33

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

Uhm, the PC? Oh yeah, and the Microsoft Zune, although I haven't done that for a while...

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I can model in 3DS Max, I know my way around Autodesk Mudbox (although I'm not a terribly proficient sculptor), I'm getting better and better at Adobe Photoshop (CS3, I bought a legal licensed version from eBay).
I can also use the UDK and Unreal3 level editor. Though I'm not too interested in level design to be honest...

What code languages are you proficient at?

Blitz Max (although I haven't used it for ages)

As far as fields... I (quite ironically) suck at graphics programming, but am quite proficient at networks programming.

What code languages are you proficient at, to a lesser degree?

Lua and C++
Winsock (API)
Win32 (including IOCP) (API)

Don't expect me to show up in the MudChat anytime soon to give advice, but if you need advice you can PM me here or join the community at JohVed's WoW Site

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 26 Jun 2010, 04:32

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

I seem to only develop for PC, because I don't have any other systems, if you could call it that (though I did buy a Wii a week or so ago, but no idea how to get my own stuff onto it). If you call the web a seperate platform, I develop for that too.

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I have been developing games and apps for game-making for quite a while. I sometimes enjoy building data structures and designing systems to programs. I've also done quite a bit of pre-code designing - believe me there's a lot of constructive progress you can do before you write the first line of code. I also do this because I frequently find boring times when I'm away from the PC (such as on break at work).

What code languages are you proficient at?

I know Blitz3D pretty well; its my favorite PC working language, and I haven't found anything (yet) that is both easy to use and capable of so much. I've also been developing for the web quite a bit; I know HTML, PHP and MySQL pretty well.

What code languages are you proficient at, to a lesser degree?

I have also used C, C++, C#, Java and BlitzMax but haven't used any of these on a regular basis. Blitz3D seems to be much easier to develop games in than the rest of these.

What would you like to learn more of?

I would definately like to learn more on CSS and Javascript to help me in web development. I've tried my hand at Ajax too but haven't used it in practice. I think it would be possible to make alot of different games using javascript, but my knowledge on it is too weak right now. I would also like to learn more about Python one of these days, but I'm usually too busy working on other projects to put the time into learning this. Plus its kinda hard to learn my way through with the most basic of code examples.

Vesuvius web game
Sat, 26 Jun 2010, 07:13

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

Well, I've only ever coded on Windows, cos I've never really thought that much about coding for other stuff.

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

Nothing particularly special with computers, although I'm OKish with electronics.

What code languages are you proficient at?

I have been proficient at Blitz, HTML, Javascript and PHP, although I haven't used those in a while (but with about 10 minutes to get back into it I could probably return to where I was). Currently, I'm working on some stuff in C++, which I'd like to think I'm becoming proficient at.

What code languages are you proficient at, to a lesser degree?

All the above languages that I haven't used in a while probably fall into here at this exact moment, although quite a few years ago I did try to learn Java. This was before I did C++, and the book was quite brief, so all the OOP stuff went straight over my head, and I quickly gave up. Some day I might try Java again, although I think I prefer C++.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 26 Jun 2010, 17:18

What platforms do you enjoy coding?

Windows, Linux.

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I can manage a pretty mean LAMP stack.

What code languages are you proficient at?

Cobra, PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, with a focus on accessible & standards compliant web technologies

What code languages are you proficient at, to a lesser degree?

JavaScript, C (reading it, rather than writing it), assembly, MySQL, Pascal-derivatives, Basic-derivatives.

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 28 Jun 2010, 18:49
Evil Roy Ferguso
What platforms do you enjoy coding?

PC (Windows, Mac), Web

What other useful computer knowledge do you have?

I'm picking up a fair bit of ASP.NET and IIS configuration skills at work, but I'd hesitate to call myself proficient at this point.

What code languages are you proficient at?

C#, C++, C, Javascript (depressingly), PHP (more depressingly), XHTML + CSS, Blitz

What code languages are you proficient at, to a lesser degree?

BlitzMax, Python, MSSQL, MySQL

Why do you do any of this?

The computer does what I tell it to! This shizzle be real!

What would you like to learn more of?

Ruby, because it's what Perl was supposed to have been.
Java, because it's everywhere and similar enough to C# that I can be impressively lazy.
OOC, since what I've seen of it looks like one of the most elegant languages available.
Mon, 28 Jun 2010, 20:01
OOC looks like an interesting language... until it got into the OOP part of its explanation. I've got to admit, I've never been a fan of heavy OOP - it can really make your code confusing, no matter how much typing time it'll save you. Half of all OOP features are poorly explained, and most people using it are making most of their code much harder to follow.

Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in here!

Vesuvius web game