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New Idea

16th January 2007

[quote=ingenium]mmm... Stealth... send me an letter in which you say you won't mind if i destroy your website...[/quote]
Why would you want that? If the site is openly inviting you to hack it then its owner can hardly try and prosecute someone for doing s*snip*


#082 - The Physics Challenge

15th January 2007

Cool I see youre doing your alpha blending stuff on em. It would be better if there was some kind of game to it though. Just something simple say shoot the balls with the mouse, getting bonuses for hitting multple balls with one shot when they overlap, or *snip*


How to create the best password

15th January 2007

Nice, but if you choose UP then what happens to your date of birth?


#082 - The Physics Challenge

15th January 2007

Nice game shroom monk :) I scored 207.
Got an error message with yours diablo, SDL something or other missing :(


Rotating Rectangle

11th January 2007

Thanks diablo, trying to work that out was starting to do my head in. Now I have just got to put it to use :)


Rotating Rectangle

11th January 2007

I am still having problems...
I have been trying to change the point of rotation from a corner of the shape to the centre of it. I seem to have got it centred on one axis but cant centered on the other, and my rectangle now seems to be bigger than its mea*snip*


Floodfill Function

11th January 2007

Heres a little floodfill function I made in case anyone needs one. Its kind of slow and simple so if anyone has a better floodfill routine I would like to see it :)
Type fill
Field x, y
End Type


Game Night...

11th January 2007

Yeah id be up for that :D But it would have to be GOTY edition cos thats about as much as my PC can handle.


Rotating Rectangle

9th January 2007

0_0 so I am. silly mistake. I should be able to code it to rotate from the centre myslef. Thanks.


Rotating Rectangle

9th January 2007

I'm trying to write a function that draws a rectangle at any angle. Heres the code I have so far:
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
While Not KeyHit(1)
ROTATING_RECT(200, 150, 80, 30, i)
If i = 360 Then i = 0
Function ROTAT*snip*


Space Balls

7th January 2007

A Fast Paced 2D Shooter


Pompom Amoeba Things

7th January 2007

Heres a function I made the other night that draws moving fuzzy circles. You can get quite a range of effects by altering the parameters.
Dim fuzzer(10, 360), fuzzdir(10, 360)


Community Project

7th January 2007

Okay I linked the Shrooms game to the main script. You can download that version Here By clicking on the community project link. Shytee brinkster does not let me do remote linking :(
It may be a good I idea if we set up a centralised place to store the f*snip*


Fizzy Vortex

1st January 2007

Happy new year. Heres a fizzy vortex to celebrate, and make your head spin.
Graphics 1024, 768
Global particles = CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight())
Global count, oldtime, fps ;for fps
Global mode
Global col_timer, col_change


Community Project

30th December 2006

If we use arrays we could allways use local ones.
I just found out that you can do that in Blitz.


Colour fading problem

29th December 2006

Thanks. That seems to work nicely :)


Colour fading problem

29th December 2006

Hey peeps. I have been having a problem with fading colours to black when the rgb is all on one number. I made a demo prog to illustrate this below. This works but only when in grey.
Const red_fade = (5 Shl 16)
Const green_fade = (5 Shl 8)


Community Project

29th December 2006

I'd be up for making a mini game for it.


C++ Tutorial Stuff

27th December 2006

Heres a link to C tutorial stuff:
I have been finding it more useful than the book I got and it might be useful to other people new to the language.


Binary Game

27th December 2006

A little game I made for practicing Binary maths. Switch the bits on/off by clicking the box with the mouse then press space to proceed. I put this here cos its not really worthy of a showcase but it can be fun for a few minutes.


Bubble Trail

27th December 2006

My first attempt at doing particles. I'll be working making it nicer and get it running faster. Play around with the variables in the NEW_BURST function to alter the effects.
Graphics 1024, 768
Global particles = CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(), Grap*snip*


#080 - The Christmas Title Challenge

19th December 2006

You know anyone that enters this WW can whack a dev-crunch sticker on it an do the christmas compo thing. I'm kinda tempted to do the santa gone wild thing. You never know might even manage to scronge a runners up prize.
Mega Handglider + Santa :D


#079 - The Food Challenge

19th December 2006

I got 4652 :D


DevCrunch compo

16th December 2006

I had an idea for a Christmas Cracker RPG. Basically you pull open christmas crackers which hold novelty items like platic rings. Some items are rarer than others and you got to try and collect them all. Some crackers would be faulty and expolde in your fa*snip*


#079 - The Food Challenge

16th December 2006

Talking about mushrooms. I went for a walk today and guess what. The shrooms are still out in December! Theres definitely something wrong with the weather out here or something.
As far as WW goes I'm sure it will get going agian sometime :)

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